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Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

Once a student qualifies for the California College Promise Grant, it is important to ensure that they are meeting the academic and progress standards in order to avoid losing the fee waiver. 

Academic - Sustain a GPA of 2.00 or higher

If student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), they may lose their fee waiver eligibility. 

Progress - Complete more than 50 percent of your coursework

If the cumulative number of units student completes is not more than 50 percent in two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), they may lose their fee waiver eligibility. 

Combination of Academic and Progress Standards

Any combination of two consecutive terms of cumulative GPA below 2.00, and/or cumulative unit completion of not more than 50 percent may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility. 

If student loses their eligibility for the California College Promise Grant, they may contact the Financial Aid office or the Counseling department regarding the appeal process. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Federal financial aid regulations require that a school establish satisfactory academic progress standards for students applying for, or receiving, financial aid. These regulations require that the financial aid office review all periods of a student’s enrollment history, regardless of whether financial aid was received, to determine if a student is making academic progress towards an educational goal. Student's progress will be evaluated at the end of the summer, fall, and spring semesters by the standards listed below.
Special note: All periods of enrollment, including periods of enrollment from other colleges for units accepted at Hancockwill be evaluated regardless of whether or not financial aid was received. Although some grades may be excluded by academic renewal or course repetition, federal regulations require that all grades must be counted for federal satisfactory academic progress standards. Student's satisfactory academic progress will be calculated using units for all classes that appear on their academic transcript, with the exception of EW grades posted due to extenuating circumstances occurring during COVID-19 pandemic. Check with the financial aid office before dropping classes to determine how dropping classes will affect future aid.


Students must maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA at the end of every semester. Courses completed with grades of A, B, C, D, CR, or P will be considered acceptable for satisfactory academic progress. Courses completed with an F are not acceptable for satisfactory academic progress. Even though a D is considered a passing grade, the total cumulative GPA must not fall below 2.00. CR, NC, P, NP, W, MW, or EW grades will not be included in the GPA calculations. Students who receive all CR, P, W, MW or EW notations will be considered to have a satisfactory GPA for that semester; however, their cumulative GPA must remain above 2.00. Incomplete courses notated with an I will be treated as an F unless changed to an alternate letter grade. The student must notify financial aid once grade is changed to have SAP status adjusted.

Students enrolled at Hancock for more than two years must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the end of the second year to continue eligibility for financial aid. Two years is defined as attempting 60 units or more including units that were transferred from other institutions.

Warning for not meeting the GPA Standard

If students do not meet the GPA standard, they will be placed on GPA Warning for one semester. Students academic progress status will be displayed on the myHancock portal under the financial aid tab. Financial aid funding will be continued during the warning semester. A student may remove warning status by bringing cumulative GPA up to a 2.00 GPA the next semester. If student does not meet the GPA standard again while on warning, their financial aid will be canceled.


Students canceled due to not meeting the cumulative semester GPA minimum standard of 2.00 will be eligible for reinstatement when they have achieved, without financial aid, a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better. Students who meet the GPA standard at the end of a semester will be automatically reinstated during the SAP review process.

Unit Completion Standards - (Pace-Progress Towards Educational Objective Standard)

Students are required to complete at least 67 percent of the cumulative units attempted. Courses that the Admissions and Records office has evaluated as equivalent to Hancock courses will be counted into both the attempted and completed unit calculations for pace. Student's satisfactory academic progress will be calculated using all units which appear on your academic transcript, with the exception of EW grades posted due to the extenuating circumstances occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check with the financial aid office before dropping classes to determine how dropping classes will affect future aid. Unit progress will be reviewed at the end of every semester.

Warning for not Meeting the Unit Progression Standard (Progress Toward Educational Objective Standard)

If students do not meet the progress standard, they will be placed on Unit Progression Warning for one semester. Student's academic progress status will be displayed on the myHancock portal under the financial aid tab. Financial aid funding will be continued during the warning semester. If student does not meet the progress standard the next semester, their financial aid will be canceled. Students will only receive ONE warning semester for not meeting the progress standard.


A student may be reinstated to a warning status when the progress standard has been met. Financial aid funding will be reinstated during the warning semester.

Maximum Time Length to Achieve Educational Goal

A student is allowed to attempt a maximum number of units towards their program of study as indicated below under “Maximum Time Lengths for Hancock Programs.” All Hancock courses as well as all transfer courses that the Admissions and Records office has evaluated as equivalent to Hancock courses will be counted towards a student’s maximum units attempted regardless of whether financial aid was received. Student's satisfactory academic progress will be calculated using all units that appear on their academic transcript, with the exception of EW grades posted due to extenuating circumstances occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check with the financial aid office before dropping classes to determine how dropping classes will affect future aid.

English as a Second Language (ESL) courses required as part of your student’s educational plan to complete an eligible degree or transfer program are eligible for payment. These courses will not be counted in the total attempted units.

Remedial/Special Instruction Courses - a maximum of 30 remedial/special instruction total units will be eligible for funding.

Maximum Time Lengths for Hancock Programs

Associate Degree: The associate degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 units at AHC. Students must complete their goal by the time they have attempted 90 units. All units that appear on their academic transcript including units from other colleges will be counted in units towards the degree.

Certificate: Hancock offers certificate programs each requiring a specific number of units for completion. Students enrolled in certificate programs must complete their goals by the time they have attempted 150 percent of the number of units required for their program. A student must be in a federally recognized certificate program that is at least 16 units to be eligible for financial aid funding. For example, a student in a 60-unit certificate program must complete that goal by the time the student has attempted 90 units. The maximum units attempted for a certificate goal requiring over 60 units may not exceed 90 units. All units that appear on your academic transcript including units from other colleges will be counted in units towards the certificate.

Transfer 4-year degree programs: A student planning to transfer to a four-year college may be enrolled in a transfer program which requires a minimum of 60 units of college level work in order to transfer to that college. The Hancock articulation agreements with CSU, UC and a very limited number of private colleges may be used to determine if the student is in an eligible transfer program. Transfer programs require completion of a minimum of 60 transferable units at Hancock. Students must complete their transfer goal by the time they have attempted 90 units. All units that appear on your academic transcript including units from other colleges will be counted towards the degree.

Appeals for not meeting satisfactory academic standards

A student canceled for not meeting satisfactory academic standards may appeal based upon the following documented extenuating circumstances that directly affected their academic performance:

▪ Death of an immediate family member

▪ Serious medical condition affecting the student or immediate family member

▪ Family emergency directly affecting the student

▪ Other documented extenuating circumstances

A Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form may be obtained from the Financial Aid office or at on the Financial Aid page under “Financial Aid Forms.” The student is responsible for presenting sufficient information and documentation to substantiate the existence of extenuating circumstances. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review the appeal. Written notification will be emailed once a decision is reached. The committee makes the final and binding decision.

Appeals can only be approved for the current or future semesters. Federal regulations do not allow financial aid eligibility to be reinstated to semesters that have already ended. NOTE: Students who enrolled in courses in Summer 2010 through Summer 2014 and were dropped at census by their instructor will not show a 'W' grade on their academic transcript. However, according to institutional policy, those units should show as a 'W' grade and will be counted in the unit completion and maximum time standards. The correct unit totals can be viewed on the students’ myHancock Financial Aid tab under Satisfactory Academic Progress Status.

SAP policy 2019-2020/Rev. 8-3-2020

For questions, contact the Financial Aid office, please call 805-922-6966 ext. 3200 or email
