Explanation of College Terms
A.A. – Associate in Arts Degree: General degree granted by California community colleges. See Graduation Requirements.
A.A.-T – Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree: Transfer degree granted by California community colleges for transfer to the California State University. See Graduation Requirements.
A.S. – Associate in Science Degree: General degree granted by California community colleges, having more emphasis on two-year vocational training than the A.A. degree. See Graduation Requirements.
A.S.-T – Associate in Science for Transfer Degree: General degree granted by California community colleges for transfer to the California State University. See Graduation Requirements.
Advanced Standing: Classification of student who has had previous college work.
Bachelor’s Degree: Degree granted by four-year colleges; bachelor of arts (B.A.) or bachelor of science (B.S.).
Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID): The C-ID is a statewide numbering system independent from the course numbers assigned by local California community colleges.
A C-ID number next to a course signals that participating California colleges and universities have determined that courses offered by other California community colleges are comparable in content and scope to courses offered on their own campuses, regardless of their unique titles or local course number.
Class Schedule: The listing of courses to be offered each semester or term, including hours, instructors, and room assignments.
Counselor: Trained faculty member assigned to assist students with personal, career, vocational, and educational planning and development.
Course Attempts: A course attempt occurs when a student earns an A, B, C, D, F, I, P, NP, W, CR, or NC grade in a class.
Course Repetition: When a student repeats a course in which he/she/they received a passing grade (A, B, C, or P). See Repetition of Courses.
Credit Course (graded): Course for which units are granted.
Electives: Courses elected by the student which do not fulfill any specific requirement but provide units toward the degree.
Fast Track: Courses held throughout the semester. Fast Track classes meet eight weeks or less, many are only one or two days, some are on weekends. Space permitting, students can register for classes up to the first day of class.
General Education: Certain groups of courses required of all degree candidates regardless of their major. The A.A. and A.S. degrees require fulfillment of the Allan Hancock College General Education requirements whereas the A.A.-T and A.S.-T degrees require fulfillment of the CSU GE or IGETC transfer General Education patterns. See Transfer Information and Graduation Requirements.
Lower Division: The first two years of college work; i.e., freshman and sophomore years and/or courses. By law, only lower division work can be offered at Allan Hancock College.
Major: The major field of study a student plans to pursue; e.g., biology, nursing, etc.
Noncredit Course (ungraded): Course for which no units are given. This catalog contains only credit courses.
Pass/No-Pass Grading: A grading system allowing a course to be taken for a grade of P (Pass) or NP (No-Pass) rather than for a letter grade.
Semester Unit: A semester unit represents one hour of lecture per week for one semester and presupposes two hours of outside study for each lecture hour, or a minimum of 48-54 hours of lecture, study, or lab work. Graduation requires 60 semester units. One semester unit is equivalent to one and a half quarter units.
Student Study Load Requirements: Programs of 12 units or more are considered “full-time” for enrollment verification purposes for fall and spring semesters. Enrollment in four units or more is considered “full-time” during the summer session.
Term: Classes that are accelerated into an eight-week term. There are two eight-week terms within each semester.
Term classes have uniform beginning and ending dates and established registration deadlines. Final grades for Term 1 are not available until the end of the fall semester. Term 3 grades are not available until the end of the spring semester.
Upper Division: The last two years of college work; i.e., junior and senior years and/or courses. Upper division work is not offered at Allan Hancock College.