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Admission Procedure

(Allan Hancock College Board Policy 5010)

Students will be admitted to Allan Hancock College if they have graduated from an accredited high school or have passed the High School Proficiency Examination or the GED. Students who have not graduated from high school may be admitted to the college if they have attained the age of 18 and are able to profit from instructional programs.

Allan Hancock College has adopted the use of high school course work, in the subjects of English and math, and/or coursework completed at other accredited colleges and universities to determine the student ability to benefit from the various curricula AHC officers. In addition, the student may meet with an AHC to counselor to utilize other measures to determine placement.

Those students whose non-native speaking status, learning disability or physical status precludes accurate assessment by the placement process will be administered the English as a Second Language test or referred to the Learning Assistance Program for appropriate assessment.

All males seeking admission to Allan Hancock College: Assembly Bill 397 (Kuykendall): Selective Service Registration (Chapter 575/1997), effective Jan. 1, 1998, requires that admissions offices at public postsecondary institutions make “every reasonable effort” to inform all male applicants for admission to the college of their obligation to register for the Selective Service. For details on how to register with the Selective Service, contact the nearest United States Post Office. The enactment of AB 397 prohibits anyone who fails to register with the Selective Service from receiving financial aid from any programs administered by the Student Aid Commission. Selective Service information is posted on the Admissions webpage and at