Catalog » Current Catalog » Admission » Student Success and Support Program (3SP)

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Student Success and Support Program (3SP)

(Allan Hancock College Board Policy 5050)

The Student Success and Support Program (3SP), currently referenced as the Student Equity and Achievement (SEAP) Program, brings the student and the District into agreement regarding the student’s educational goal through the District’s established programs, policies, and requirements. 

The Student Success and Support Program will coordinate with the District’s Student Equity Plan to ensure that the college has identified strategies to monitor and address equity issues and mitigate any disproportionate impacts on student access and achievement. The agreement between the student and the district is implemented by means of the student educational plan.

Student Success: Appeals Procedure

If a student feels that placement, orientation, counseling, course prerequisites or any other student success procedure or service is being applied in a discriminatory manner, an appeal may be filed with the dean, Student Services. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the appeal, the student will be notified of the college’s proposed response to the complaint and any additional steps which will be taken.

If a student believes the prerequisite has been met by other means, an appeal for prerequisite equivalency can be filed with the dean, student services.

All pre and/or corequisites that are stated in this catalog have been established according to policy approved by the Allan Hancock College Board of Trustees.

High School Students Enrolling at Allan Hancock College - College Now! and Concurrent Enrollment

(Allan Hancock College Administrative Procedure 5011)

High school juniors and seniors who have been recommended for enrollment by their principal or designee are encouraged to enroll in Allan Hancock College approved courses. All high school students are required to meet with their high school counselor to discuss eligibility for enrollment, to obtain necessary signatures of approval and to complete the College Now! Petition for Enrollment form. Students and high school counselors may obtain College Now! forms and the list of approved courses at, Select College Now! in the Quick Links drop down menu.

College Now! students who wish to take courses must meet the stated academic prerequisites or corequisites. Pre/co requisites are listed in the course description section of this catalog and are marked on the College Now! Course Listing with an asterisk (*).

College Now! students must submit an online application for admission prior to submitting the College Now! registration materials. First-time College Now! students who are home schooled are required to provide a current copy of their private school affidavit on file with the California Department of Education at the time of registration. Continuing home schooled students must have a current affidavit on file at Allan Hancock College. Home schooled students must be at the junior or senior academic level.

College Now! Is a program offered to high school students enrolled in college level courses, offered online, or at AHC campus locations, with college level students. Concurrent Enrollment is a program offered to high school students enrolled in college level courses, offered through AHC, but taught during the regular school day at local high schools. Students enrolled in the Concurrent Enrollment program must meet all of the qualifications of a College Now! student.

These programs are limited to students enrolled in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo county high schools who are residents of Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo counties.

The enrollment fee is waived for approved College Now! students enrolling in six units or less. College Now! students must pay the following fees: health, student photo ID card, physical education facilities, Student Center (Santa Maria campus only), student representation, parking, and instructional materials fees (if applicable).

College Now! students are limited to six units of approved courses per semester. College Now! students must obtain and submit a copy of their high school transcript .College Now! students must remain in good standing at Allan Hancock College and maintain a 2.00 GPA to be eligible to enroll in subsequent semesters. Only high school juniors and seniors are allowed to enroll in College Now! All college units and grades earned are recorded on the student’s permanent college transcript. Receiving substandard grades and/or failure to complete coursework may affect future financial aid eligibility. Students must secure permission from their school district each semester, term or session. Students who do not meet the aforementioned requirements and have exceptional circumstances may appeal to the dean, student services for consideration. Requirements open to appeal include: a junior/senior standing and/or enrolling in excess of six units. Appeal forms are available online within the Counseling Services web pages and in the counseling department, office of the dean, Student Services.

NOTE: Students are not be able to appeal to register into courses that are not on the approved College Now! list. Students interested in this program should contact their high school counselor, or visit the college website at