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Early Childhood Studies: Vocational ELD Introduction to Early Childhood Studies

Award Type: Certificate of Competency

This English Language Development Vocational (ELDV) Introduction to Early Childhood Studies (ECS) certificate of competency is designed to prepare noncredit students more quickly for success in the credit level. Students will master the basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening while simultaneously completing the noncredit certificate series of five academic ECS courses. Upon completion, the students will have the reading, writing, and speaking competencies needed to be better prepared for work in the ECS professions and/or credit coursework. It is designed for students who have successfully completed or demonstrated competency at the Low/High Intermediate levels. Career opportunities include: child care workers, preschool teachers, teacher assistants/aides, special education teachers, preschool and childcare center directors, and more. Students will: Learn the professional language and ELD skills to understand the history of childhood studies and theories. Actively listen in order to understand main ideas presented in lectures, conversations, and multimedia presentations in early childcare settings. Read and understand authentic texts about a variety of guidance interaction strategies that promote a caring classroom. Understand how to interview children, write professional reports, and summarize accurately. Develop study skills for credit classes including essay writing, research, and citing sources.

The graduate of the Certificate of Competency in Early Childhood Studies: Vocational ELD Introduction to Early Childhood Studies will:

  • Successfully use their knowledge/acquisition of the English language to summarize important historical influences on the development of children.
  • Successfully use their knowledge/acquisition of the English language to implement guidance and interaction strategies when working with children.
  • Read, understand, and explain how to implement curriculum and activities that support the value of play when working with children.
  • Read, understand, and explain how to apply observation strategies when working with children.
  • Read, understand, and explain how to implement various assessment processes when working with children.
  • Successfully use their knowledge/acquisition of the English language to enroll in Early Childhood Studies coursework upon completion of the certificate.

Program Requirements

It is recommended that English language learners at the noncredit ELD Low/High Intermediate levels enroll concurrently in ECSN and ELDV courses. Ten courses are required to obtain the Certificate of Competency.

All ten courses are required to obtain the Certificate of Competency.

Course Number Course Title Units
ELDV 7310 History of Child Development 18.000 - 36.000 hours
ECSN 7310 History of Child Development 36.000 - 48.000 hours
ELDV 7311 Guidance and Interaction 15.000 - 30.000 hours
ECSN 7311 Guidance and Interaction 18.000 - 30.000 hours
ELDV 7312 The Importance of Play 16.000 - 36.000 hours
ECSN 7312 The Importance of Play 32.000 - 36.000 hours
ELDV 7313 Observation Made Easy 18.000 - 36.000 hours
ECSN 7313 Observation Made Easy 36.000 - 48.000 hours
ELDV 7314 Assessment & Delivery Systems 9.000 - 20.000 hours
ECSN 7314 Assessment and Delivery Systems 15.000 - 25.000 hours