Catalog » Current Catalog » Policies » Attendance

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Students must attend the first class meeting and/or orientation of each new class whether it’s a lecture or a laboratory. If a student cannot be there, they must notify the instructor in writing; via email or by phone no later than 24 hours prior to the first class session. Without prior notification, student may be dropped from the class and wait list students could be admitted in student's place. For instructor’s email addresses and telephone extensions, visit the Hancock website and select Directories.

Regular attendance at all class sessions is a primary obligation of the student. Regular participation in distance learning and TBA components is part of attendance, with minimum time required each day or week depending on the course section. Both the successful completion of college work and the financial support of the college are dependent on regular attendance.

Students are required to remain for the entire period. Each instructor will explain the absence policy for his/her/their class at the beginning of the semester; however, failure to attend regularly may result in a reduction of the student’s final grade, or in the student being dropped from the class altogether. In the event of a prolonged illness, instructors should be notified either by the student or by Health Services. Veterans should contact the Financial Aid/Veterans Affairs office on the Santa Maria campus.