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Spanish (SPAN Courses)

SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I

5.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: SPAN 100
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is designed for non-native Spanish speakers and therefore ideal for students with minimal or no exposure to Spanish. SPAN 101 offers an introduction to the Spanish language, presenting students with introductory vocabulary and grammar, reading and writing skills as well as oral and listening skills (including pronunciation). This course also includes an introduction to cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.

SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II

5.0 units.
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I ; or 2 years of High School Spanish
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: SPAN 110
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is a continuation to SPAN 101. Students work on further vocabulary and grammar skills, pronunciation, oral and listening skills, reading skills, and writing skills. This course also includes cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world not covered in SPAN 101 and/or expands on cultural aspects presented in SPAN 101.

SPAN 103 Intermediate Spanish I

5.0 units.
Advisories: ENGL 514 - Writing Skills 4
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II ; or 3 years of high school Spanish
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: SPAN 200
Course Offered: Fall
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
SPAN 103 is designed for intermediate Spanish speakers, entirely taught in Spanish, and therefore ideal for Heritage Speakers, and/or native Spanish-speakers wishing to improve reading and writing literacy. SPAN 103 covers vocabulary and grammar with an emphasis on listening/oral, reading, and writing skills at the intermediate level. This course also includes cultural components of the Spanish-speaking world.

SPAN 104 Intermediate Spanish II

5.0 units.
Advisories: ENGL 514 - Writing Skills 4
Prerequisite: SPAN 103 - Intermediate Spanish I ; or 4 years of high school Spanish
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: SPAN 210
Course Offered: Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is designed for intermediate Spanish speakers, entirely taught in Spanish, and therefore ideal for Heritage Speakers, and/or native Spanish-speakers wishing to improve reading and writing literacy. SPAN 104 is a continuation of SPAN 103. It covers vocabulary and grammar with an emphasis on listening/oral, reading, and writing skills at the intermediate level. This course also includes cultural components of the Spanish-speaking world.

SPAN 105 Advanced Composition and Grammar

5.0 units.
Corequisite: SPAN 104 - Intermediate Spanish II
Prerequisite: SPAN 103 - Intermediate Spanish I ; or SPAN 104 - Intermediate Spanish II
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
SPAN 105 is designed for advanced Spanish speakers, entirely taught in Spanish, and ideal for Heritage Speakers, and/or native Spanish-speakers wishing to improve their reading and writing literacy at the advanced level. This course emphasizes writing skills at the advanced level, covering the most common types of essay styles (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, academic), and focusing on the writing process as a communicative process. Students will review Spanish grammar, essay structure, and improve on formal vocabulary selection via reading and writing exercises. The oral production component is also evaluated. Also included are cultural and literary components of the Spanish-speaking world.

SPAN 111 Intermediate Spanish Conversation

2.0 units.
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II ; or 3 years of High School Spanish
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is designed to practice vocabulary and grammar covered in SPAN 102 with an emphasis in pronunciation, oral, and listening skills. Reading and writing skills are covered as well. Using a communicative style, students practice Spanish grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and oral skills. This course also includes cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. This conversation course, taught entirely in Spanish, is designed for students who have completed SPAN 102.

SPAN 112 Advanced Spanish Conversation

3.0 units.
Prerequisite: SPAN 111 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation ; or SPAN 103 - Intermediate Spanish I ; or SPAN 104 - Intermediate Spanish II
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is designed to practice vocabulary and grammar covered in SPAN 103 and SPAN 104, with emphasis in oral and listening skills at the advanced level. Reading and writing skills are covered as well. Spanish-language films are used as springboards for conversation of various themes, topics, and cultural experiences. Using a communicative style, students practice Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and oral skills. This conversation course is designed for advanced Spanish speakers, as well as Heritage speakers who wish to improve their oral skills.

SPAN 189 Independent Projects in Spanish

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Courses for students capable of independent work who demonstrate the need or desire for additional study beyond the regular curriculum. Enrollment allows students to pursue activities such as directed field experience, research, or development of skills and competencies under faculty advisement and supervision. Independent projects may be earned in most disciplines. Students wishing to enroll in Independent Projects should contact the appropriate instructor identified in the class schedule. If the project proposed is acceptable to that instructor, a contract will be developed. All contracts for these classes must be completed and submitted to the Records Office no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Students may enroll for any combination (unit value) of Independent Projects 189 and/or 389 for a total of four semesters in a specific discipline. Units are awarded depending upon satisfactory performance and the amount of time committed by the student to the course. Allowable units vary according to discipline, and are based on the following formula: 1 unit - 48 hours per semester 2 units - 96 hours per semester 3 units - 144 hours per semester