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Political Science (POLS Courses)

POLS 101 Introduction to Political Science

3.0 units.
Advisories: Eligibility for ENGL 101
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: POLS 150
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This is an introductory course examining a variety of approaches to the study of political science with particular emphasis on the American political system in comparative perspective. Topics discussed include nature of politics, comparative politics, selected political philosophers, principles of government, methods used by political scientists, and American government. This course satisfies part of the history and government requirements for the California State Colleges and Universities and Allan Hancock College. Students receiving credit must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge about national and state government.

POLS 103 American Government

3.0 units.
Advisories: Eligibility for ENG 101
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: POLS 110
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
A study of American government at the national, state, and local levels. Governmental principles, institutions, and their historical development are examined. This course satisfies part of the history and government requirements for the California State Colleges and Universities, University of California, Allan Hancock College, and many private colleges. (F,S)

POLS 104 Introduction to International Relations

3.0 units.
Advisories: ENGL 101 - Freshman Composition: Exposition ; and POLS 103 - American Government
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: POLS 140
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
A study of the forces and conditions involved in the actions, interactions and relations of nations and organizations within the international system. Emphasis is placed on the tools of analysis for understanding and predicting behavior on the international stage.

POLS 105 Comparative Politics

3.0 units.
Advisories: ENGL 101 - Freshman Composition: Exposition ; and POLS 103 - American Government
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: POLS 130
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course is an introduction to the comparative analysis of contemporary governmental institutions, political processes and their environments. The survey includes current political institutions, citizen participation, political problems, politics, and policies within these systems.

POLS 106 California Government and Politics

1.0 unit.
Advisories: ENGL 514 - Writing Skills 4
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Course Offered: Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Introduction to the structure and function of California state government. Satisfies California state and local government requirement for students who have taken Federal, State, and Local Government without a California component or who receive Advanced Placement credit for American Government.

POLS 110 Political Theory

3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: POLS 120
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Introduction to political theory. Focuses on concepts like: authority, liberty, equality, law, justice, community, rights, citizenship, property, class conflict, and constitutionalism. Readings from major thinkers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx, Nietzsche, Rawls, and others.

POLS 189 Independent Projects-Honors

2.0 units.
Prerequisite: program application
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Honors courses designed to be an enriching experience associated with a specific general education course. The course material will either be a more in depth coverage of the material in the GE course, or will be more advanced material related to the course topics.

POLS 199A Special Topics in Political Science

1.0 unit.
Advisories: ENGL 514 - Writing Skills 4 or eligibility for ENGL 101
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course will examine the campaigns, issues, electoral process and candidates for the United States Presidential election.