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Computer Business Office Technology (CBOT Courses)

CBOT 100 Keyboarding

1.0 unit.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Elementary keyboarding by touch techniques for those who need to develop keyboarding and keypad skills necessary for using computer keyboards.

CBOT 131 Introduction to Word Processing

3.0 units.
Advisories: CBOT 100 - Keyboarding
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An introduction to word processing designed to develop skills in formatting and editing documents. Topics include setting tabs, creating headers and footers, inserting tables, creating newsletters, applying styles, using templates and printing envelopes and labels. Time saving tips and techniques will also be discussed.

CBOT 132 Advanced Word Processing

3.0 units.
Advisories: CBOT 131 - Introduction to Word Processing
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An advanced word processing experience designed to develop industry proficiency in the skills required for processing information in today's electronic office. Includes inserting graphics and WordArt to create flyers and newsletters, creating online forms, inserting a table of contents and index for reports and books, creating hyperlinks, bookmarks, and cross-references, completing a mail merge, recording macros and saving documents using different file formats.

CBOT 189 Independent Projects

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Courses for students capable of independent work who demonstrate the need or desire for additional study beyond the regular curriculum. Enrollment allows students to pursue activities such as directed field experience, research, or development of skills and competencies under faculty advisement and supervision. Independent projects may be earned in most disciplines. Students wishing to enroll in Independent Projects should contact the appropriate instructor identified in the class schedule. If the project proposed is acceptable to that instructor, a contract will be developed. All contracts for these classes must be completed and submitted to the Records Office no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Students may enroll for any combination (unit value) of Independent Projects 189 and/or 389 for a total of four semesters in a specific discipline. Units are awarded depending upon satisfactory performance and the amount of time committed by the student to the course. Allowable units vary according to discipline, and are based on the following formula: 1 unit - 48 hours per semester 2 units - 96 hours per semester 3 units - 144 hours per semester

CBOT 189 Independent Projects

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: n/a
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Courses for students capable of independent work who demonstrate the need or desire for additional study beyond the regular curriculum. Enrollment allows students to pursue activities such as directed field experience, research, or development of skills and competencies under faculty advisement and supervision. Independent projects may be earned in most disciplines. Students wishing to enroll in Independent Projects should contact the appropriate instructor identified in the class schedule. If the project proposed is acceptable to that instructor, a contract will be developed. All contracts for these classes must be completed and submitted to the Records Office no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Students may enroll for any combination (unit value) of Independent Projects 189 and/or 389 for a total of four semesters in a specific discipline. Units are awarded depending upon satisfactory performance and the amount of time committed by the student to the course. Allowable units vary according to discipline, and are based on the following formula: 1 unit - 48 hours per semester 2 units - 96 hours per semester 3 units - 144 hours per semester

CBOT 302 Records Management

2.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
A comprehensive course in the principles and practices of records management. The course covers the rules of indexing and alphabetizing and various records management systems including geographic, numeric, and subject plus the organization and operation of records management programs.

CBOT 305 Legal Office Procedures

3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Course focuses on law office procedures and terminology for the purpose of employment as a secretary and/or paralegal in a law office. The law office principles and management skills learned in this course may be applied to employment in any legal practice area (civil, criminal, family, probate, etc.) as well as other professional office settings.

CBOT 312 Keyboarding Speed and Development

1.0 unit.
Advisories: CBOT 100 - Keyboarding
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Designed to follow the formal computerized keyboarding courses in order to bring up students' speed and accuracy by the touch method before they enter the job market.

CBOT 333 Business Desktop Publishing

3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Basics of desktop publishing for business documents using Microsoft Publisher. Learn to create newsletters, brochures, advertising mailers, flyers, event invitations, business cards and other marketing materials for business. Topics include page layouts, formatting, inserting objects, and mail merge.

CBOT 334 Administrative Office Procedures

3.0 units.
Advisories: CBOT 131 - Introduction to Word Processing
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
This course focuses on both the computerized and non-computerized administrative tasks performed by administrative assistants and office managers in today's electronic office. Topics include effective communication in the workplace, records management, customer service and teamwork.

CBOT 337 Presentation Design - PowerPoint

3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An introduction to computer-based business presentations and their development using PowerPoint. Topics include creating dynamic, non-linear presentations with animation, designing colorful handouts, installing and using templates, inserting sound, action buttons, video and creating slide masters. Time saving tips and techniques will also be discussed.

CBOT 360 Word - Basics

1.0 unit.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Summer
Grading Method: Pass/No Pass
An introductory course in the basics of word processing. Learn to create letters, memos, reports, tables and flyers using word processing software.

CBOT 361 Intro to PowerPoint

1.0 unit.
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Summer
Grading Method: Pass/No Pass
An introductory course in using presentation design software. Students will learn how to create dynamic presentations, with animation, transitions and graphics. Students will also learn how to use templates and modify design themes.