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Biology (BIOL Courses)

BIOL 100 Introductory Biology

4.0 units.
Advisories: Eligible for ENGL 101 or completion of; ENGL 514 - Writing Skills 4
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An introduction to the concepts of biology. Designed for majors in fields other than biological science, the course investigates the nature of science, cells, genetics, evolution, ecology, and biodiversity. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab: 3 hours weekly.

BIOL 120 Humans and the Environment

3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Explores contemporary problems generated by human scientific, social and ethical interaction with the environment. Lectures examine the scope of present environmental problems, possible future impacts, and potential solutions. Topics include human impact on the environment, ecological controversies, ecosystem operation, water and energy perspectives, and values of wilderness preservation. Emphasis is on both local and global dimensions of the above topics.

BIOL 124 Human Anatomy

4.0 units.
Advisories: BIOL 100 - Introductory Biology
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: BIOL 110B
Course Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An examination of the functional anatomy of the human organism. Lectures and laboratories investigate the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the major organ systems.

BIOL 125 Human Physiology

4.0 units.
Advisories: CHEM 120 - Introductory Chemistry
Prerequisite: ENGL 101 - Freshman Composition: Exposition ; and BIOL 124 - Human Anatomy
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: BIOL 120B
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
A study of the functions and interactions of human cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Metabolic processes, negative feedback mechanisms, and homeostatic regulation are investigated in both lecture and laboratory sections. Emphasis is on the interaction of physiological processes responsible for the maintenance of normal body functions. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab 3 hours weekly.

BIOL 128 Microbiology

4.5 units.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 - Introductory Biology ; or BIOL 124 - Human Anatomy ; or BIOL 125 - Human Physiology ; or BIOL 150 - Cellular Biology ; and CHEM 120 - Introductory Chemistry ; or CHEM 150 - General Chemistry 1
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
An introduction to microorganisms, including morphology, physiology, and growth of bacteria and other microorganisms such as viruses. The role of bacteria and viruses as part of the human microbiome and host defenses against pathogens are emphasized. Laboratory procedures include identification, growth and metabolism of bacteria. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab: 5 hours weekly.

BIOL 132 Marine Biology

4.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
An introductory study of marine organisms and their interactions in marine ecosystems with an emphasis on the organisms and ecosystems of the Central California coast. Several field trips to the marine shore required.

BIOL 150 Cellular Biology

5.0 units.
Prerequisite: CHEM 120 - Introductory Chemistry
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: BIOL 190
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
A study of the nature of life, emphasizing its molecular and cellular aspects of life, particularly cellular reactions as governs organismic metabolism, biological and chemical evolution, and Mendelian genetics. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab: 6 hours weekly.

BIOL 154 General Botany

5.0 units.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 - Introductory Biology ; or BIOL 150 - Cellular Biology ; and MATH 309 - Algebra and Math Literacy ; or MATH 331 - Algebra 2
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: BIOL 155
Course Offered: Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
A survey of the plant kingdom, including structure and functions, heredity, evolution and ecology, economic uses, taxonomic classification, the role of plants in the ecosystem, and important problems common to all plants. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab 6 hours weekly.

BIOL 155 General Zoology

5.0 units.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150 - Cellular Biology
Acceptable for credit: Transfer to UC, CSU
C-ID Course Number: BIOL 150
Course Offered: Fall
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
Intended for the biology major, an exploration and survey of the animal phyla and non-photosynthetic, single-celled, eukaryotic taxa. Comparative structure, function, and life cycles of animals, as well as principles of evolution, taxonomy, and systematics are covered. Topics include development, morphology and physiology, phylogeny, and behavior of animals, as well as principles of evolution, mechanisms of evolutionary change, and speciation. Lecture: 3 hours weekly. Lab 6 hours weekly.

BIOL 175 Cadaver Lab I

1.0 unit.
Prerequisite: BIOL 124 - Human Anatomy Biol 124 with a grade of A or better and/or permission of the instructor.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
C-ID Course Number: N/A
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
A laboratory course providing supervised study and dissection of human cadavers. Intended for students interested in pursuing nursing, medicine, or other allied health professions who want to continue learning about the human body. Topics will include dissection techniques and human anatomy, as well presentation of cadavers to students currently taking Human Anatomy. Prerequisite and instructor permission are required to register.

BIOL 176 Cadaver Lab II

1.0 unit.
Prerequisite: BIOL 175 - Cadaver Lab I
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
A laboratory course providing supervised study and dissection of human cadavers. Intended for students interested in pursuing nursing, medicine, or other allied health professions who want to continue learning about the human body. Topics will include dissection techniques and human anatomy, as well presentation of cadavers to students currently taking Human Anatomy. This is the 2nd semester in a 2 semester sequence. Prerequisite and instructor permission required to register.

BIOL 179 Experimental Courses in Biology

0.5 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Formerly known as “Workshops,” these are courses designed in specific disciplines to test new curriculum before adopting it as part of an academic program. These courses meet specific needs in the college and community as they are identified. Each class will carry a specific title relating to the discipline concerned. Advanced level experimental course may require academic or equivalent prerequisite or corequisite. Experimental courses labeled 179 are transferable; those labeled 379 are non-transferable.

BIOL 189 Independent Projects in Biology

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass
Courses for students capable of independent work who demonstrate the need or desire for additional study beyond the regular curriculum. Enrollment allows students to pursue activities such as directed field experience, research, or development of skills and competencies under faculty advisement and supervision. Independent projects may be earned in most disciplines. Students wishing to enroll in Independent Projects should contact the appropriate instructor identified in the class schedule. If the project proposed is acceptable to that instructor, a contract will be issued no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Units are awarded depending upon satisfactory performance and the amount of time committed by the student to the course. Allowable units vary according to discipline, and are based on the following formula: 1 unit - 48 hours per semester 2 units - 96 hours per semester 3 units - 144 hours per semester.

BIOL 196 Self-directed Investigations

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Limitations on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 8 students per instructor due to safety concerns and the need to demonstrate a progression of knowledge or skills.
Prerequisite: BIOL 189 - Independent Projects in Biology
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Course Offered: Fall, Spring
Grading Method: Letter Grade Only
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to further investigate a project from a previous semester at a more advanced level and/or pursue investigation of a new topic.

BIOL 199 Special Topics in Biology

1.0 - 3.0 units.
Acceptable for credit: Transfer CSU
Grading Method: Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass

BIOL 199A Field Biology of the Sierra Nevadas

2.0 units.
Advisories: ENGL 300; or Eligibility for READ 310
Acceptable for credit: D - Credit - Degree Applicable
Grading Method: Pass/No Pass
An exploration of the plant and animal communities of selected portions of the Sierra Nevadas. When in the field, campsites are set up and maintained by the class. This course is commonly run in conjunction with Geology 199C (Topics in Geology: Sierra NV). Six hours of lecture precede the field trip.