Fees and Expenses
(Allan Hancock College Board Policy 5030)
Fees are payable at the time of registration. For additional questions regarding fees, contact the Cashier Services office at cashiering@hancockcollege.edu or call 805-922-6966 ext. 3270.
Enrollment and Nonresident Tuition Fees
- $46 Enrollment Fee - per unit
Nonresident tuition for non-California residents
- $391 per unit ($364 per unit beginning Fall 2024)- plus $46 per unit enrollment fee.
- Payment plans available for non-resident tuition fees.
- Review and complete the Non-Resident Tuition Payment Plan.
- Down payment is required.
- If you are anticipating Financial Aid, complete the FAFSA prior to enrolling in your classes.
Health Supervision and Services Fee
- $26- Fall and Spring semester
- $22- Summer semester and Winter intersession
Health Supervision and Services fees are charged to all students. All fees collected are used exclusively to provide health supervision and services. This fee covers the following benefits:
- Clinical Care Services
- Mental Health Services
- Support Services
- Special Services
- Health education and promotion, Teaching and research, Student insurance programs, Environmental health and safety, including illness and injury prevention programs.
(Fees above may increase each year due to state legislation and Board action.)
Health Supervision and Services Fee Exemptions
(Education Code Section 76355)
- Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings
of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization
- Documentary evidence of such affiliation must be submitted
- Students who are attending under an approved apprenticeship training program. (Board Policy 5030)
- Students solely enrolled in a concurrent enrollment course held at the high school campus
- Students currently incarcerated in a Federal Corrections facility program
Materials Fee
A materials fee may be required for certain courses listed in the class schedule. See individual course listings in the current class schedule for this information.
Student ID Card
- Free Photo ID card
Photo ID cards may be obtained at the time of registration, or any time during the semester from the Admissions and Records office or Community Education office on the Santa Maria campus, or the Lompoc Valley Center Administrative office during regular office hours.
The Hancock ID card is required to access the following areas:
- Computer Resources Centers
- Language Lab
- Library Services
- Math Center
- Open Access Computer Labs
- Physical Fitness Lab
- Writing Center
In addition to the privileges listed above, students may use the photo ID card to purchase tickets at a discount for performances of the Pacific Conservatory Theatre (PCPA) and receive free admission to all Hancock home athletic events.
Student Body Center Building and Operating Fee
- $1 per unit, up to a maximum of $10 per academic year for classes held at the Santa Maria campus. Summer session through spring semester.
Each student enrolled in one or more classes at the Santa Maria and South campuses is required to pay a Student Body Center Building and Operating fee.
The fee was established by students to help fund the remodel and operation of the Student Center. Students are not required to pay a fee for classes taken at the Lompoc Valley Center or Santa Ynez Valley center, or for classes at other off-campus locations. For adds/drops, lateral changes, or academic skill level changes, for the same number of units at the same campus location, students will not incur an additional Student Body Center Building and Operating fee.
Students are also exempt from paying the Student Center Building and Operating fee if they are a recipient of benefits under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Program, General Assistance Program, or a recipient of the California College Promise Grant.
Eligibility for these exemptions must be verified through the Financial Aid office.
Student Representation Fee
- $2 per semester (Optional)
The Student Representation Fee of $2 provides support for student representatives to lobby for legislation such as bills to keep enrollment fees at the lowest possible level and to be expended to establish and support the operations of the statewide community college student organization. Assembly Bill 1504 was recently passed in the state legislature mandating this fee. However, this fee may be waived by selecting the "opt out" box online during the registration process.
Intercollegiate Athletics Equipment Fees
Students who are in physical education courses or athletic programs will be assessed fees for not returning any issued equipment or uniforms. Holds will be placed on student accounts.
Parking Fees
Four-wheel and two-wheel motor vehicles.
- $20 - Fall & Spring semesters
- $10 - Summer sessions
Virtual Permits are needed for campus parking 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday - Thursday
and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday.
(Santa Maria campus and the Lompoc Valley Center only).
For more information, visit https://www.hancockcollege.edu/police/parking.php.
One-day permit $2
Daily parking permits are valid for one calendar day and may be purchased from one
of the vending machines located near the parking lots at the Santa Maria campus and
Lompoc Valley Center. Cash, coin, and credit/debit cards are accepted. For cash, exact
change is required. No change or refunds are given.
There is no parking fee on the south side of the Columbia Business Center (CBC), at
the Workforce Resource Center (WRC), or at the Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB)
and Santa Ynez Valley centers. A special no-charge permit is required by VSFB for
entry onto the base. For classes held at the Vandenberg SFB Center, students must
go to the Visitor Center at the main gate prior to entering. You must bring your
class schedule, current drivers license, and proof of your vehicle insurance.
Parking fees are collected for the maintenance and improvement of the parking lots and for the control of traffic. Such fees apply to all student and staff vehicles parked on the Santa Maria campus and at the Lompoc Valley Center. Parking permits may be purchased three weeks prior to the first day of instruction through the myHancock portal.
For further information about traffic and parking regulations, students should refer to the Hancock District Police Department webpage https://www.hancockcollege.edu/police/index.php or contact the police department at the Santa Maria campus at 805-922-6966 ext. 3652, or the Lompoc Valley Center at 805-922-6966 ext. 5652.
Waivers/exemptions to the above listed fees may be granted under unusual circumstances. Information concerning exceptions to fees or tuition is available at the Cashiering Services and Financial Aid offices.
All students provide their own textbooks. The cost varies according to the degrees/certificates. Please go to the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance website for more information. Supplementary materials for some courses are sold through the bookstore.
Laboratory Breakage
All students enrolled in lab shop courses are required to replace items broken or lost.
Fines are assessed for lost library materials and for loss or damage to college or associated student body equipment.
Minimum Expenses
In addition to the above, minimum expenses per semester include transportation, medical expenses, clothing, incidentals, meals, and accommodations. There are no college dormitories. Please refer to the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance website for Campus Based Budget information.
Obligation for Payment
Tuition of all students, including those whose tuition payments have been deferred, becomes an obligation to the college.
Failure to make payments of tuition, fees or other amounts owed the college when they fall due is considered sufficient cause to place a hold on the student account, which would prevent students from future registration activities.