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Media Arts: Graphic Design

Award Type: Certificate of Achievement

The Media Arts: Graphic Design Certificate of Achievement prepares students for careers in the visual media industry. The curriculum is designed to help students build strong design foundations, develop visual literacy skills, and become proficient in the technical skills required of a visual designer. Coursework leads to entry-level employment in the region. Electives provide for emphasis in specific areas of interest, including illustration, graphic design, digital publishing, web design, and 3-D design. Capstone courses offer a unique opportunity to create a collective portfolio of student work.

The graduate of the Certificate of Achievement in Media Arts: Graphic Design will:

  • Integrate artistic expression, professional attitudes, and effective working habits as individuals or as members of a collaborative team.
  • Develop a portfolio for transfer, employment, or freelancing in the design and visual communication industry.
  • Discover how visual language communicates global culture through research, innovative thinking, writing, and creative expression.
  • Research, conceptualize and create innovative responses to design projects using knowledge of visual literacy for meaningful communication.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in industry-standard processes and technologies to create, capture and manipulate visual content in developing artwork for digital and print media.

Program Requirements

A major of 36 units is required for this Certificate of Achievement

Required core courses (27 units)

Course Number Course Title Units
ART 108 Design 1 on the Computer 3.0
GRPH 108 Design 1 on the Computer 3.0
ART 110 Design 1 3.0
GRPH 110 Introduction to Graphic Design 3.0
GRPH 112 Digital Imagery 3.0
GRPH 113 Digital Illustration 3.0
GRPH 115 Digital Design and Publishing 3.0
GRPH 116 Web Portfolio & Social Media 3.0
GRPH 117 Typography 3.0
MMAC 101 Introduction to Multimedia 3.0
PHTO 170 Digital Photography 3.0

Plus a minimum of 9 units selected from any of the Areas of Concentration listed below:

Option A - General Concentration

Course Number Course Title Units
ART 106 Art of the 20th Century 3.0
ART 112 Design Color Theory 3.0
ART 120 Drawing 1 3.0
ART 122 Life Drawing 1 3.0
FILM 101 Film as Art and Communication 3.0
FILM 126 Introduction to Motion Graphics 3.0
MMAC 126 Introduction to Motion Graphics 3.0
GRPH 118 User Interface Design 3.0
GRPH 120 Advanced Design for Publishing 3.0
GRPH 127 History of Graphic Design 3.0
GRPH 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0
MMAC 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0
GRPH 130 3D Modeling For Production 3.0
GRPH 189 Independent Projects in Graphics 1.0 - 3.0 units
MMAC 114 Game and App Design 3.0

Option B - Illustration Concentration

Course Number Course Title Units
ART 107 Introduction to Digital Art 3.0
ART 120 Drawing 1 3.0
ART 121 Drawing 2 3.0
ART 122 Life Drawing 1 3.0
GRPH 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0
MMAC 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0

Option C - Design for Publishing

Course Number Course Title Units
GRPH 120 Advanced Design for Publishing 3.0
GRPH 127 History of Graphic Design 3.0
GRPH 189 Independent Projects in Graphics 1.0 - 3.0 units
CWE 149 Cooperative Work Experience OCCUPATIONAL 1.0 - 8.0 units

Option D - Media Concentration

Course Number Course Title Units
FILM 126 Introduction to Motion Graphics 3.0
MMAC 126 Introduction to Motion Graphics 3.0
GRPH 118 User Interface Design 3.0
GRPH 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0
MMAC 129 Digital Tools for Visual Media 3.0
GRPH 130 3D Modeling For Production 3.0